courtesy of cross country team

High school and middle school students celebrate together after boys ran 3.1 miles and girls ran 2 miles in Gatesville.

Middle, High School XC Compete Together

September 23, 2019

The high school and the middle school cross country team traveled to Gatesville to compete on Sept. 14. 

“I was quite impressed with how the high school runners acted with our junior high teams,” middle school coach Marisa Skiles said. “It was great to see the encouragement between everyone”

For the first time in years, the junior high team and the high school team traveled together to a meet. Wanting to spread the family aspect, the coaches from both schools realized that Gatesville was the perfect place to gather together.

“I think that the high school will help the middle school improve both on and off the of the cross country course,” seventh grader Josh Drake said.

After running this meet, many students gained a new personal record. After seeing each other run, middle school and high school runners now have something to aim for; high school students aim for beating one another while junior high aim for beating high school times.

“I think we did great at the meet,” sophomore Hailey-Brianna Bull said. “A lot of us broke our personal record and placed.”

Out of both junior high and high school, over fifteen medals were awarded. Eight coming from the high school and the rest coming from the middle school. 

What surprised me the most was how well the girls connected and interacted,” Skiles said. “The trip back, on the girls bus, was full of much excitement and singing.  It really created an atmosphere of family, and that’s what we’re about! The boys were happy to nap and chill on the way back and I think their respect for one another’s quiet time says just as much about family.”

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