Cosmetology teacher Christine Hearn was diagnosed with glioblastoma wild type grade 4 brain cancer over the summer.
“Mrs. Hearn will soon be taking chemo pills and going for radiation every Monday through Friday for 42 days then off for four weeks,” CTE teacher Tracey Davis said. “Right now she is focused on fighting this cancer and doing what is best for her body.”
Davis and Hearn are close friends, so to support Hearn, Davis started a fundraiser and sold t-shirts to students and staff.
Davis’ original goal was to raise a few hundred dollars, but she has reached the $1,000 mark.
Even though shirt orders are closed, Davis is willing to sell more if enough people order. Shirts cost $20 and order forms can be found in Davis’ classroom.
“I was inspired to raise money for Mrs. Hearn because that is what ‘family’ does,” Davis said. “Our CTE department is a close-knit group of teachers that care about the well-being of each other.”
The new part-time cosmetology teacher Megan Caddies is a former student of Hearn’s and one of her first students to earn their cosmetology license while in her class. Caddies formed a strong bond with Hearn while sharing their love for cosmetology.

Caddies has tried her best to fill Hearn’s shoes and leave the same impact on her students Hearn left on her.
“I know what kind of impact she had on me and I just want to give that to these students too,” Caddies said. “I’m very sad that she’s not here but I’m thankful that I am because, you know, I can still give some of these students an idea of what she was like.”
It has been a struggle for many students to adjust to not having Hearn as a teacher right now. Sophomore cosmetology student Amari Munoz is one of the many affected by her absence.
“Mrs. Hearn and I are pretty close,” Munoz said. “I had her for intro to cosmetology last year and she made doing those boring packets fun. I would tell her if anything was bothering me. She was like another mom to me. She has the biggest heart and cares for you like her own. It’s been pretty hard adjusting, but it’s getting better.”
Hearn is beloved by many students and staff who are supporting her in her battle against brain cancer.
“Mrs. Hearn is a beautiful person inside and out,” Davis said. “She appreciates all our thoughts and prayers. She has many prayer warriors praying for her everyday.”