May The Fourth Be With You
Band To Perform Spring Concert Tonight
Directed by Eduardo Zambrano, the band rehearses for their spring concert during academic period May 4.
May 4, 2023
The band will perform their annual spring concert today at 6:30 p.m. in the gym.
“Our theme is kind of Star Wars because May 4 is Star Wars Day,” band director Chloe Flint said. “So, the high school and one of the middle school groups are actually playing music from Star Wars and then the beginners are playing space themed songs.”
Flint said she and band director Eduardo Zambrano have always talked about having a Star Wars themed spring concert if the date were to ever fall on May 4.
“It just so happened this year that that was when our concert was,” Flint said.
Students in band began prepping for the spring concert in March.
“We got the Star Wars music out to the students pretty quickly because it’s kind of hard and then we searched for other songs to decide what to do,” Flint said.
Sophomore Maggie Ochsner said that the process of learning the Star Wars music was “different” and “out of the box.”
“It isn’t hard,” she said. “I think you just have to put the practice in and it will all come together.”
This is freshman Morgan Parker’s first high school spring concert.
“I’m so excited to sit by my friends while my parents come and listen to me play our show,” she said.
Parker looks forward to performing a piece titled “Prime Time Tune Review.”
“It’s a collection of songs from adult TV shows like ‘Family Guy,’ ‘The Simpsons,’ ‘American Dad’ and ‘King of the Hill’ so it’s a banger,” she said.
Many students are excited for the spring concert because they view it as a way to wrap up the year before summer.
“Unlike a lot of other sports and activities that get to have multiple performances or showcases throughout the year, band students only get about two times a year to show what they’ve learned,” Flint said.