Culinary Arts Classes Visit Meat Processing Plant
Advanced Culinary Arts and Culinary Arts 1 students visit M&M Block and Deer Processing on Sep. 3.
Advanced and Culinary Arts 1 classes took a trip to the M&M Block and Deer Processing on Sep. 3.
Culinary Arts instructor Jason Walsh was excited to take his students to the M&M processor for a group learning experience. The students are currently reviewing their retail cuts of beef unit. At the processor, the students learned about the sanitation and safety of meat processing. The classes will take another trip to Austin in October to compete in their first competition.
“It was a great way for the students to learn about sanitation, as well as show how every part of the cow is used.,” Walsh said. “The students are starting off the year to great learning experiences and that makes me really excited for our competitions to see how we advance.”
For junior Zara Morelock this was an interesting experience. This is Morelocks first year in culinary and she is enjoying her experience learning about cooking.
“It was really gross getting to watch how the process of cutting meat and preparing it was,” Morelock said. “I really am enjoying culinary. It was a nice experience to go out of school and learn about the topic we’re learning about.”
Junior Averie Porter enjoyed the trip and can not wait to go on future trips with her class. Porter wants to be a chef when she grows up and considers this a great learning experience.
“Going on this trip was definitely a cool experience,” Porter said.“I am really excited for the rest of the year, and see what other fun experiences will happen.”
Jason • Sep 10, 2019 at 4:35 pm
Great write up!! Thank you so much for sharing our experience !!