Prom this year will take place on Saturday, March 29 and will be held at the Lampasas County Youth Livestock Center. Only juniors and seniors will be permitted entrance, unless others are invited as a guest. This includes other highschoolers and guests up to twenty years old who have signed form from Mr.Weinhiemer.
“Prom is early this year in order to hopefully avoid any conflict with extracurriculars,” said junior class sponsor Brooke O’Connor, “I figured it would be a nice change to try something new.”
Tickets will be $25 each and couples will have to purchase two tickets.
“I’ve never been to prom before, so this will be my first one,” Senior Maggie Ochsner said. “Last year’s prom was at a wedding venue, so I’m skeptical about ours being at an actual barn. Tickets being $25 isn’t bad in my opinion, I think Burnet’s are like $40 a piece.”
Due to prom being significantly earlier this year, many people have been scrambling to find their outfit.
“When I heard how early prom was going to be this year, I was worried about finding a dress,” Ochsner said. “I still haven’t found one I like and honestly if I can’t find anything, I won’t go. I’m not dead set on being there.”
The junior class representatives help plan the prom; this includes the venue, catering, and theme. This year, prom will be catered by Chick-fil-a and the theme will be Golden Hour Gala.
“We brainstormed and decided on the theme to kinda change it up,” O’Connor said. “We have never done an all-gold theme prom before. Think about the “Golden Hour Gala” as like the Met Gala with red carpets, and golden glitz and glam!”