Teachers can now mark students late for class by clicking a button in the tardy-column of Skyward. This has allowed teachers to handle class attendance more quickly and reduce hall traffic.
“The change is good for those of us who want to get through things quickly and get right into teaching for the day,” chemistry teacher Carl Gehring said. “It gives us teachers more time to help students and makes it a lot easier to update attendance if a student comes in late.”
In past years, students had to get a tardy slip from a kiosk in the front office.
“The overall time benefit is minimal, but it’s still a nice feature for convenience and workflow and it helps us get class running just a little bit sooner,” Gehring said.
This has raised some concerns for students who cannot get to their classes on time due to walking long distances or having discussions with other teachers.
“It’s already hard getting to class sometimes,” junior Jace Sanders said. “Especially with how slow some people walk in the halls and the fact that there’s always a lot of traffic near the stairs. It makes getting to classes on opposite sides of the building a lot more stressful.”
As the year continues, the feature may see more use as teachers get used to the addition and its convenience.
“I’m a little worried about tardies, but I always am,” junior Jaxon Pratus said. “I don’t think it’ll be a huge deal for most people, though.”