The final Adulting 101 sessions were May 2-3. They covered the basics of looking for an apartment and how to manage finances.
Adulting classes for this school year started first semester, and the goal of these sessions is to help senior students prepare for the outside world and living on their own.
“We learned about budgeting to manage our funds as well as what to look for when previewing a new home or apartment,” senior Connor Ferreira said.
A common mistake many people make when they go looking for a place to live is that they often forget to ask basic questions about maintenance and the housing itself.
“I feel many people forget to ask for another copy of the inventory condition form which shady companies ‘inadvertently’ and conveniently lose so that you have to pay out of pocket for all the damages instead of them,” senior Alex Bosquez said.
Many graduating seniors plan to live either on campus or rent an apartment nearby, so learning these skills can not only prepare them for the upcoming year, but help them through life when looking for their perfect place.

“I’ve discovered that you must search even the most obscure objects and find the right home agent company to ensure peace of mind,” Bosquez said.
By teaching students how to manage budgets, students are able to start off college or their life plans by being financially prepared.
“I believe it is very useful for those who have limited funding while in school,” English 2 teacher Desiree Kachel said. “My sister and I would have been so much worse off if we hadn’t learned budgeting from our mother. People tend to spend more than they make, and this will help to eliminate debt.”
Kachel taught the adulting class May 3 and provided insight on how to calculate and budget finances.
“During the budgeting session, we discussed how to put together a budget, briefly using an already created budget,” Kachel said. “I also showed them how to use the loan calculator created in the same excel workbook.”
Every time there is an adulting class, teachers and students promote the class. According to Ferreira the classes give the students more skills and knowledge that regular core classes can’t or aren’t able to teach.
“The adulting sessions have helped me learn both minor and major aspects of life from learning how to easily tie a tie to doing an intimidating interview for a real job,” Bosquez said. “I’d like to thank all the staff who have taken time out of their days to help me shift into an adult lifestyle.”