Reversing the original decision to eliminate early release days, the school district has reinstated early release days for March 8 and May 16.
The district originally eliminated the early release days due to conflict with Career and Technology Education (CTE) classes meeting the yearly state required hours. However, the state came back later in the fall to clarify the rules regarding class time requirements and CTE classes, especially for students aiming to earn CTE certifications. The clarification made it possible to reinstate the previously planned early release days.
“Early release days are beneficial to staff because the students have gone home, but the teachers stay to grade papers and finalize the nine weeks grades,” Principal Joey McQueen said. “Also, normally our students do a great job on early release days.”

16), students will be released
The former early release schedule will return with no changes.
“As a woman, wife, mother, lifelong learner and human being, I love early releases,” said English teacher Judith Ann Mcghee said. “As a teacher, it’s tough because time is limited. I usually spend early release days catching up in some way.”
Some staff find early release days limiting. However, most use it as a means to finalize grades for the end of a nine weeks or semester.
“I think it brings back a sense of normalcy in the transition between school and break,” senior Myka Escaran said. “It boosts the optimism of students and overall environment of the school as a result.”