Career Classes Host Open House

Lexi Moreland, Online Editor

Senior Aaron Martinez serves a fruit plate with honey during the culinary and cosmetology open house Dec. 8.

Lexi Moreland, Online Editor

Career classes cosmetology and culinary arts held an open house Dec. 8 for small business owners and townspeople to have an inside view of what the students do in the advanced classes.

“We had been planning this event for about a month and a half,” cosmetology instructor Christine Hearn said. 

Students who participated were three and four year students of the class. 

“I am extremely proud of all the skills I have learned the past three years,” cosmetology vice president Makenna Karcher said. “It makes a big impact on my future and goals I aspire to achieve.”

Along with business owners, people who work in these fields and parents came to see the work these students are capable of now. 

“I have been a hair stylist for two years,” visitor Somer Barton said. “I think this is amazing and gives these students an opportunity to be successful in life. This shows these students that you don’t have to go to a four-year school to have a successful life when there are trades that are just as successful as college.”

As the event went on, culinary students handed out appetizers and desserts to guests at work stations. This helped show the people that they are capable of operating in the kitchen and making food. 

“I am extremely glad I have been taking culinary courses,” junior Matix Karcher said. “I feel like I have learned so many valuable skills I can forever use.”

Students mostly ran the entire event by waiting at the front for more guests to arrive in order to properly escort them down to the open house and explain the reason and purpose for the event.

“The purpose of this is to bring more interest into the schools CCMR classes like cosmetology and culinary,” junior Faith Crow said. “We would love to see more clients after this.”

The classes were put in place to give students a possible new purpose in life and have more opportunities to find what they enjoy and give them skills to take their passion further in life. 

“I plan on being a cosmetologist and an esthetician when I graduate,” cosmetology president Lizzie Bennett said. “As I started liking this class a lot more I decided I wanted to continue, but before this experience it wasn’t my plan.”