Tennis will have their first district match against Stephenville today.
“I’m excited and a little nervous,” sophomore Caroline White said. “I think it’ll be a close game.”
The tennis team has won five matches and lost four matches so far this season.
“When we play another team, we play 19 matches, and we need to win 10 to win as a team,” tennis coach Kenneth Peiser said.
Practices are held each day from 9th period until around 5:00 p.m.
“We go out, run, jump rope, play matches, feed tennis balls, hit drills, serve and do challenge matches once a week,” Peiser said.
The team will only play matches this semester.
“Just this past week we finished our preseason matches,” sophomore Sydney Unger said.
They will participate in tournaments next semester.
“I listen to music and try to drink lots of water and Gatorade the whole day before the tournament,” Unger said. “ As a team we crack jokes and strategize about what our shots are going to look like.”