Football Team To Play Second Game Tonight
The JV football team kicks off during their game against North Houston Early College High School yesterday. The Badgers won the game 33-6.
September 2, 2022
The varsity football team will play against North Houston Early College High School tonight.
Varsity played their first game Aug. 26, losing to Elgin 20-29.
The JV football team is preparing and working towards their goals this year. After winning their first two games of the season against Elgin and North Houston Early College High School, they hope for continuous victories.
“We evaluate our current team and make practice plans to account for what our team needs the most,” coach Troy Rogers said. “This year we have good numbers in football, so we are able to go back and practice on one side of the ball for the most part.”
The coaches are planning the teams’ practices according to the players’ needs and refining what they already know.
“The best thing about football is the sportsmanship,” sophomore Peyton Baird said. “We all push each other to do our best because we want everyone to improve.”
Not only are the coaches preparing the team for the games, but the players are helping each other become the best team they can be.
“We also believe strongly in character development, which we do every week with all football players,” Rogers said. “All we want is for our student-athletes to be the very best they are capable of being.”