The cheerleaders perform at the only in-person pep rally Nov. 6.
Cheerleaders Begin Competition Season
December 7, 2020
The varsity cheerleaders will record their performance for their first competition today at the high school to submit to judges.
“This year’s season is looking pretty different than past years,” cheer coach Shannon Lindsey said. “So far our first competition has switched to a virtual platform. With the ever evolving COVID situation, things are constantly changing. All our competitions are run by Varsity Spirit. Their company has sent numerous emails of new policies and procedures that each team must follow. The school district is also placing its own travel restrictions on us as well. There are definitely a whole lot more hoops to jump through in order for the team to compete this year but Coach Adams and I are willing to do what is needed to give the girls a competition season.”
The switch to virtual learning for the week of Nov. 30 – Dec. 4 due to a rising number of COVID-19 cases at the high school meant no practices that week as well.
“It has put all the responsibility on each girl to be practicing at home along with making time to get all their school work completed,” Lindsey said. “The first day we will be back at school we will be recording our performance for our first virtual competition with only a team practice that morning. But when adversity hits, you just have to step up and work a little harder to push through it.”
With these changes, the cheerleaders are still expecting a great competition season.
“I’m thrilled for this year’s competition season, but there are going to be a lot of changes due to COVID-19,” junior Isabel Ybarra said. “We’re just going to take it step-by-step and push through obstacles as a team.”
Freshman Arielle Aguire is excited to compete for the first time with the high school team.
“I’m scared of how this year will look with COVID, but I know that our team can face anything,” she said.