The band enters the gym with empty bleachers as the cheerleaders perform to record the first virtual pep rally Sept. 30. The pep rally will be shown tomorrow during academic period.
Lifting School Spirit
First Virtual Pep Rally To Be Shown During Academic Period Tomorrow
October 8, 2020
The cheerleaders, band and Flames got together Sept. 30 to record a virtual pep rally that will be shown during academic period tomorrow.
“The school will be showing the pep rallies during academic period each Friday of district play,” head cheer coach Shannon Lindsey said. “There will be a link that is shared with the teachers for them to project on the screen in their classroom so all the students can see the pep rally.”
This is the plan for the rest of the football season. A pep rally will be shown for every district game. Only one pep rally will be in-person.
“The in-person pep rally will have the senior class in the audience, and the rest of the school will watch a live stream feed of the pep rally,” Lindsey said.
With COVID-19 still being extremely prevalent, there have been different struggles and trials that everyone has gone through.
“Our biggest challenge we faced was lifting school spirit,” senior cheer captain Elisa Sanchez said. “As more restrictions took place, the students began to lose all school spirit. We hope virtual pep rallies can lift school spirit and make this year feel as normal as possible, despite the difficulties.”
The pep rally will still be mostly social distanced, per guidelines.
“The girls (cheerleaders) have done a really great job of attempting to social distance,” Lindsey said. “However, just like everyone, there are times they need reminders to social distance or go put on a mask. There are things we do that they wear a mask and things we do that don’t require them to be in a mask.”
The theme for this week’s pep rally is superhero, there will be a theme for every pep rally just as it was before.
“I’m excited to make the pep rallies more visually appealing,” Sanchez said. “We learned from our mistakes while recording the first pep rally. We are ready to take on the next pep rally.”
Coaches and administration have worked hard trying to keep everything as normal as possible. This school year has brought many trials and tribulations no one could’ve expected.
“Our kids deserve to have everything we can give them,” Lindsey said. “And if that means I have to work a little harder and be more creative, then I will do it.”