NHS Removes Service Hours Requirement For This Year
NHS sponsor Alison Brayton talks with NHS members, junior Saydie Smith and senior Madelyn Hess during academic period.
October 6, 2020
National Honor Society (NHS) will not require community service hours this year due to COVID-19 concerns.
“We considered reducing the required number of hours during this time, but are requiring members to help at one function/event,” NHS sponsor Alison Brayton said. “But, several town and even school events are being canceled or scaled back in size; there may not be many opportunities to even help this semester.”
Though community service hours are not necessary this year, volunteering is optional and highly encouraged if members are cautious and safe going into it.
“[Not requiring service hours] is not exactly what I think NHS wants because it’s supposed to be a service organization, but obviously because of COVID, hands are kind of tied, but I’m glad that we’re still allowing people to attempt to involve themselves by making them optional while also respecting that some people can’t due to COVID, so overall I think having them be optional is probably the best solution for this year, even if it’s not ideal,” NHS member Cole Wheeler said.
Brayton said NHS values service, leadership and character over anything. Members will have to find other ways to have those qualities stand out this year due to these new circumstances.
“As advisers, Ms. Bobo and I always want to celebrate our members who work extremely hard, not only for themself and their grades but for the community as well,” Brayton said. “So, we hope next semester there can be something we can do to show our support and appreciation for how hard our members work. However, we don’t know what that will be or look like yet.”