District To Enforce Stricter Social Distancing At Tonight’s Game After UIL Reprimand
According to superintendent Chane Rascoe, Badger Stadium can hold “approximately 4,500 people.” At the first game, around 1,460 tickets were sold to the home side. For tonight’s game, the athletic department capped home ticket sales at 700.
September 11, 2020
After the Badger football team’s victory against Brownwood at Badger Stadium Aug. 28, the UIL contacted administration about poor social distancing in the stands.
“The UIL deputy director, Jamie Harrison, called me directly last Wednesday,” Superintendent Chane Rascoe said. “I received an email from the director, Darryl Beasley, the next day.”
Upon seeing pictures of full stands and people without face masks on social media, the UIL was upset with fans’ lack of social distancing. According to Rascoe, the stadium can hold “approximately 4,500 people.” At the first game, around 1,460 tickets were sold to the home side and 625 tickets were sold to the visitor side. For tonight’s game, the athletic department capped home ticket sales at 700 and there are 600 tickets available for the visitor side.
“Tickets were already hard to get, but now that there’s less being sold, it’s almost impossible,” sophomore Tak Stinnett said.
The UIL did not discuss consequences with administrators, but if fans continue to not properly social distance at the games, it could possibly lead to the team’s forced forfeit of games or even athletic probation.

“You never know what the UIL could do,” principal Joey McQueen said.
Like at the game against Brownwood, every fan will be required to wear a face mask upon entry.
“Fans will not be allowed in without a face covering,” Rascoe said. “We will implement additional spacing requirements for games requiring seating every other row.”
To help with social distancing and spacing out rows, the student section will sit at the end zone with the band. Where the student section usually is, there will now be extra seating for those who are not students.
Administrators plan to closely monitor the fans at tonight’s game. There will be consequences for those who choose not to follow the rules.
“We hope the fans will follow the guidelines,” McQueen said. “However, if we have some non-compliant fans, we will have to speak with them and possibly ask them to leave.”
The football players tend to feed off of the large fan-base they have on Fridays, so keeping a loud audience is crucial to them.
“They create the environment and make it exciting,” offensive lineman Caden Thrift said. “I love having them.”
According to emails from Rascoe to LISD recipients, there have been two confirmed cases of COVID-19 at the high school since the school year started.
“I feel the high school has done an amazing job of making sure our kids are safe,” Rascoe said.