Chris Ybarra, Editor-In-Chief

Student Council members with items collected from the annual food drive competition to support the Lampasas Mission.

Help For Holidays

Student Council Hosts Annual Food Drive

November 22, 2019

Mrs. Kuehne’s and Mrs. Peterson’s academic class will receive their free breakfast tacos today after collecting the most items for Student Council’s annual food drive. The food drive began on  Nov. 13 and items were collected on Nov. 20.

“The food drive is to help those families in need of food in our community,” Student Council advisor Elma Garnett said. “ I hope that it means something to LHS. Giving is what it’s all about, especially during the holidays.  Unfortunately, not everyone will have a table full of food on Thanksgiving Day. This is a small way to help.”

The food items collected from the drive will all be sent to the local Lampasas Mission, which distributes food, clothing and other items to those in need in the community. Junior and Student Council member Addison McDonald said that the food drive is a great way to show their service for the community and help those less fortunate.

“I really like the fact that Student Council participates in and encourages the food drive at the high school,” McDonald said. “The food drive provides people with proper food and nutrition, but also with a sense of hope. It is extremely important that we, as students and citizens of Lampasas, give back to the community and help those in need. In fact, this is one of the most important aspects of Student Council.”

In addition to the food items, Student Council toiletries collected for the FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America) so they can Pringle cans for the troops. Although all items were counted for the contest, the mission is particularly in need of canned meats, soups and dry soups.

“The food drive is an easy way to give back to the community,” Senior and Student Council member Scooter Cook said. “Sometimes people don’t have time to give to volunteer, so it’s nice to be able to donate a tangible thing that can still help. I think for most people, the holidays make us put our lives in perspective and gain a greater appreciation for our blessings. Realizing that something as simple as food to eat is not a luxury everyone has can be humbling.”

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