HOSA Instagram
HOSA posted this image announcing Trunk-or-Treat being canceled Oct. 26.
Trunk-or-Treat was canceled Oct. 31 due to the possibility of inclement weather.
“The moment I heard about the cancellation, I immediately canceled our meeting to plan for it,” student council sponsor Jenn Moore said. “We would have had a theme and also a game for Trunk-or-Treat.”
The weather prediction said there was a chance of rain and the evening temperatures were in the 40s.
“Usually, I don’t mind the cold, but it just went from 80 degrees to 40,” FCCLA sophomore Arianna Gonzalez said. “We were all excited to do Trunk-or-Treat and hand out candy. We even suggested doing it in the gym, but that was declined.”
Clubs like HOSA had themes and costumes planned already. Their theme was Disney and each grade was going to be a different Disney movie. FCCLA had discussed being super heroes or Mario Bros but decided that was too expensive.
“It would be easiest to do the basic scary Halloween decor and dress in the Halloween costume already purchased,” culinary teacher Tracey Davis said. “Several students already purchased costumes, so it would be more money to go with a specific theme.“
Junior class president Meredith Mcbeth was going to bring her Jeep and let student council decorate it.
“We didn’t purchase anything for the decoration,” Moore said. “All of that would have been borrowed.”
Many students had already donated candy before Trunk-or-Treat was canceled, so they were given that candy back to use at their own residence or Squared Silly. However, some teachers did not allow club points toward a letterman or cord to be given for the donated candy.
“The event was canceled a while back, and I know students who planned to donate but hadn’t brought their candy in yet,” Moore said. “It’s not fair to only award kids who donated early while others didn’t get the opportunity to donate.”