Brianna Miller, Reporter
Senior Mario Aguire points to his certificate displaying his college readiness.
A new display by the lecture hall displays the CCMR seniors. CCMR stands for College, Career or Military Ready.
There is a large variety of ways that students can become CCMR certified such as enlisting in the U.S. Armed Forces or having an industry based certification in a CATE (Career And Technology Education) course. Examples of some of the CATE courses offered at the high school are welding, floral design and auto works. Students can find a full list of CATE courses by visiting CATE director Julie Salvato.
Students can also become CCMR certified by proving a high academic performance through scoring a 3 or higher on an AP exam, by completing and receiving 3 hours of college credit in an OnRamps course, by scoring on the college readiness level on the ACT, SAT or TSI or by completing college prep courses in both English and Math.
“Our goal at the high school is to have every student become CCMR before they graduate,” Salvato said. “There are many students’ names who are posted on the wall downstairs by the lecture hall that are CCMR already in the senior class. Being College, Career, or Military Ready is important because it is our job in high school to make sure we are preparing you for your next step in life.”
The display has yet to be completed, and according to Salvato, there are more students with industry-based certifications that have yet to be added.
“I took AP classes in order to become CCMR,” senior Shelby Case said. “I took the AP exams last spring and scored high enough. I also took my SAT which also classified me as CCMR.”